The fact that the parking situation is this bad is absolutely inexcusible. By the time I showed up I was covered in sweat from the stress and the late August heat that I just left instead of being that guy thats late and covered in sweat stains. I ended up not finding a spot, parking in a residence building lot over a mile away, and speed walking a mile to class (was already late). I have to stay on campus in between classes because on the first day when I attempted to go off campus and come back, I came back to every lot being circled by about 25-30 other cars attempting to find a spot. My next class after that is at 1120 which gives me about 2 hours between classes. I have to arrive at my 8am at 710 just so i can find a spot in one of the Commuter lots (even then usually the only spots open will be almost a mile grom your building). Good god is the parking situation HORRENDOUS. When I toured the school and into my first semester was after Spring semester was over, so I did not expect it to be as crowded as it is when Fall came around.Now to my rant: the parking. You will be dodging people/bikes/skateboards on your way to class regularly and if you arent used to crowds or do not like crowds it can be overwhelming. Also, if you dont like the huge school feel with a lot of congestion then this is not the place for you. All of my professors seem decent, but a few are monotone and unexcited. The campus does have a nice feel, the on-campus groups are very inclusive and theres a lot going on just like any other colleges campus. They also have pretty good sports teams so going to games is cool.My experience so far in the fall semester has not been awesome. There seem to be a lot of frats/sororities and clubs and organizations. Its still early in the fall semester so hopefully once I get out a little Ill make some connections. I live across Murfreesboro and since Im a few years older than even the oldest of the college students, I havent really made many long lasting friends or anything, but everyone seems friendly. My summer semester was a breeze with no issues with the school or any professors or staff. I received a good amount of credits for my military service and many of my Umass credits were applicable to equal courses at MTSU (although some surprisingly didnt). Howell were sort of a liason between me and other departments and handled whatever they could in-house. Some people in the admissions and registrar office are almost impossible to contact and wont get back to you, however I had the advantage of the Veterans office on my side, and MT One stop makes things much easier. The whole process of transferring was smooth and the Admin employees really do make it easy. "Im a veteran and transferred my other credits from University of Massachusetts-Lowell. If you ever have any questions you will be able to find a friendly person on campus who will be willing to assist you. We are home of the might blue raiders and I'm sure you'll like it here as much as I did. If you're someone considering playing a sport on campus there is a club waiting for you and if you're really wanting to take it up a notch you can join the athletic program also. The shops are new and up to date along the main streets as well as some of the traditional local spots as well. It's very diverse and has a lot to offer incoming freshman. If you are possibly interested in attending MTSU as well you will definitely enjoy your experience. For me personally community service was very important to me, because it's something I grew up doing giving back to others. The class schedules also allowed a lot of flexibility to be involved in organizations and participate in community service on or around campus. "I absolutely enjoyed my time at Middle Tennessee State University! I have kept in contact with my classmates throughout the years and that has been a great experience for me.